Theta Token Review (2022 Update)




Coming from the Theta Network, you will notice that just like other cryptocurrencies and blockchains, the Theta Token follows the parameter of powering the environment and guaranteeing rewards for both Validators and Guardian nodes.

Now, that can be a lot of information for starters, but Theta is pretty much another of the many cryptocurrencies in the market. What tends to vary is the specific use given by the users and miners and how THETA overall works with transactions and production.

In addition, it is one of the most recent digital currencies, and it will be necessary to understand that, unlike others, this one is more focused on a decentralized video streaming platform and not only on selling and buying it.

To picture the entire idea, we will go over the details and make sure you can understand Theta Token by the end and the entire ecosystem it takes part in.

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What is Theta? – Learning About Its Ecosystem

You must remember that blockchains and systems come first before you start thinking about tokens. Also, a currency cannot be created before a network has been established or, at least, not most of the time.

We will continue to explore the currency topic and how it can be used, but let’s concentrate on Theta’s real meaning for now.

Theta, a native blockchain, uses an open-source protocol. This allows developers and partners to build decentralized applications on Theta’s network or ecosystem. It is similar to Ethereum in how it works.

Understanding Theta will be easier if you have some knowledge of Ethereum, or perhaps you read our article on this blockchain.

It’s the general blockchain and a peer-to-peer, decentralized video delivery system powered by the mentioned blockchain technology. This system offers free, high-bandwidth content delivery.

Users watch videos, and part of their computing power is used to transmit them to others. Primary users receive tokens from contributing to the ecosystem or participating in it.

This Theta network is striving to be the next generation of entertainment technology. It will surpass YouTube and Twitch, which are the most popular video platforms today, or this is what the creators and people investing in it expect it to be.

It offers a cheaper, decentralized video streaming infrastructure than centralized ones. Additionally, its users are powered and could be a more cost-effective alternative to other video delivery platforms.

The best thing about Theta is the fact that it already offers many content types, including music and TV series.

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But What Is the Theta Token?

Theta, like all other blockchains or decentralized networks, has its own token, which can be used natively.

You need to remember these three points:

  • Blockchain Theta.
  • Theta network.
  • Theta token.

Because everything is one, streaming media content for Theta Network can be earned and operated in the same way. We are now able to enter the complete definition.

The native token of Theta Blockchain, THETA, is used to represent governance tokens.

The concept of THETA as a governance option is tied to the fact that blockchains can be decentralized in nature. This means that all network members can only make any change. These members are the ones who somehow have THETA.

The token is able to vote on Improvement Proposals. This covers the network’s infrastructure as well as the limit and circulating supply tokens. It also includes the role of tokens within the network.

Due to its voting power, the THETA token has been designed as an inflationary currency and is the future of the network.

The token holders of the THETA token can be considered stakeholders and responsible for the project’s direction. The importance of having some tokens is greater than what most people think of cryptocurrencies as.

The token’s current limit is 1 billion tokens, and you better workaround its investment if you decide to go for the decentralized streaming platform option.

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When It Started: Its Origins and Founders

How do you determine if Theta is reliable as a network, token, or blockchain? It is common to go back in history and spend a few minutes learning about the background of the Theta.

Theta was founded in 2017 by Mitch Liu. As a serial entrepreneur, Liu had also co-founded online advertising and mobile games startups.

He has a lot of experience in entertainment and came up with an innovative idea. It included all the available decentralized options.

On the other hand, Jieyi Lang is an expert in virtual reality live streaming technologies and joined Liu to form a team.

Theta’s team held a private token sale to raise $20 million for their project in 2017. They were able to sell 30% of the token’s 1,000,000 units.

Theta, as a company, was then able to begin working on the decentralized Blockchain project. Theta Labs, the streaming site behind Theta Network, also came up with

To view video content on this site, viewers are charged TFUEL. It is possible to “forward” the video content to other users by some primary users.

As you can see, the company itself is much more than just the token and blockchain we are currently covering.

But, the information about the company’s growth and development over the past four years is limited to the statistics that were compiled from analysis of all sites and networks.

Today’s Theta Network advisory panel includes Justin Kana (Twitch’s co-founder) and Steve Chen (YouTube co-founder), and several senior executives from Verizon.

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Theta’s Structure: What It Does & The Token’s Role

It can be confusing to get into the network and blockchain of Theta, and we find it difficult to stay neutral and focus on the token. It is important and serves a purpose, but it is not the main focus.

If we just explain the Theta token, will there be anything more than its status as a native token on the blockchain? If we don’t talk about how everything works and its use, then it is unlikely that we will have a proper understanding.

We just need to fall here for it: Theta’s architecture and all the ecosystems.

Nevertheless, it is important to understand how Theta’s Blockchain network works.

It is built on a peer-to-peer (P2P) protocol which allows participants to get real-time rewards when content is distributed. Developers can also create dApps with the open-source blockchain protocol.

Theta’s proof-of-stake consensus system is similar to Tendermint. It is based on staking. To be able to process transaction blocks, participants can lock in large amounts of THETA tokens.

Theta relies on three types of participants to make the entire ecosystem or network work.

  • Enterprise validator nodes.

These companies are holders of THETA tokens, and they process transactions on the network. Sony, Google, Creative Artists Agency and Samsung are just a few of the companies involved.

To validate nodes (which are the network’s first-line defense), participants must stake 1,000,000 THETA coins.

  • Guardian nodes.

Guardian nodes are community nodes that maintain consensus by securing validation at predefined points. These users verify that transactions blocks created with enterprise validator nodes are executed correctly. This adds a second layer of security to the protocol.

Guardian nodes will stop malicious blocks from passing through validator nodes. They must stake just 1,000 THETA coins to participate in this program.

  • Edge Nodes.

Edge nodes allow users to send video streams and share bandwidth via

They are given TFUEL for their support of the network. The Theta network allows users to stream peer-to-peer content without having to use a central content delivery system.

If you still have trouble understanding, TFUEL is another Theta native token. We will discuss it a little later.

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Working with Two Tokens: THETA & TFUEL

We must continue the discussion about TFUEL tokens and THETA tokens.

TFUEL trades at $0.43 per dollar and has a market capitalization of $2.3 billion.

The market cap for THETA is $7.2 billion, and the trading price is $7.20 while writing this.

Theta Network participants who share video content via edge nodes get a reward for streaming data using TFUEL. This is exactly what we mentioned. End-users do not pay for content distribution, as the platform covers it.

Edge nodes only stream small portions of the video. End-users can view content from multiple community sites but not the entire video.

BitTorrent is a similar model, with torrent users being paid to seed content or increase download speeds. This example can help you understand TFUEL better.

As we have already mentioned, THETA is still used. It acts as a governance token and helps to manage the blockchain’s future development.

You may not know that THETA tokens are able to be staked for TFUEL. To become eligible guardian nodes, token holders must have at least 1,000 tokens and 1,000,000 tokens to be enterprise-level validators.

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Theta’s Uniqueness & Mission

Now that all the important details are clear, and we have already discussed its use as a governance token, it is possible to focus on the whole purpose of the token and the ecosystem.

It can be difficult to understand Theta or why anyone would want to create it. It can be much easier than you might think to find the answers and then process them.

Theta, a blockchain-based platform, aims to revolutionize video delivery. It encourages its global users to support a fully-decentralized streaming video platform, rather than using regular media, as we briefly mentioned before.

Despite technological advances, video streaming quality is still not up to viewers’ standards.

Video streaming platforms and content distribution networks are constrained by their server locations. While content distributor networks are paid to deliver video content to end-users, centralized servers cannot keep up with the ever-increasing demand for streaming quality.

Theta’s mission is to bridge the gap between streaming speed and quality by enabling its global user group to relay videos using its computing power.

If there are more users, the network will have more bandwidth for video streaming. This will improve streaming speed and quality.

Investors also support Theta, believing that blockchain technology will become the future of video streaming platforms. This is based on the market and the fact that decentralized blockchains have conquered many aspects.

The token is a virtual currency. It will grow over time and provide more benefits than it does now.

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So, to make it simple, you need to remember these main aspects of Theta:

  • Theta is a blockchain-based platform that aims to revolutionize video delivery.
  • It is designed to encourage its global community of users to support a fully decentralized streaming video platform.
  • Because of their server locations, video streaming platforms and content distributor networks are constrained, which Theta wishes to change.
  • Ordinary content distribution networks are paid to provide video content to end-users, but centralized servers can’t keep pace with the ever-increasing demands for streaming quality. Again, the main goal of the platform and token while using it is to change the entire system and improve this.
  • Theta’s goal is to bridge the gap between streaming speed and quality by allowing its global user network to relay video using its computing power.
  • The network will have more bandwidth available for video streaming. Basically, more users = more speed and quality.
  • Theta allows content creators to have greater control over their content and monetization.

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The Future Is Bright

Theta, a blockchain project for video streaming, is expected to grow at a compound annual rate of more than 20% between 2020-24.

Long-term growth will be greater as technology such as virtual reality and blockchain advance further.

Theta’s goal is to lower streaming-related costs for content distribution networks and make distribution easier. It could serve industry giants like YouTube, Twitch, and Netflix and help propel the growth of fully decentralized content delivery systems.

The launch of Theta’s 3.0 mainnet furthers Theta Drop’s NFT marketplace expansion, which could help Theta increase market share in this booming industry.

With the planned growth in the Theta Drop NFT market, licensing the platform to third parties, and other expansion plans, the team in the system look forward to NFT transactions; they expect Theta smart contract to reach 600,000.00 transactions per day.

The update will make Elite Edge Nodes decentralized storage spaces for NFTs. Theta is also establishing cross-chain bridges between their network and Ethereum. This could help to reduce the high cost of NFT minting on Ethereum.

In addition, Mainnet 3.0 aims to create a safer, more scalable, and more future-proof blockchain protocol to support other industry initiatives. The Theta Network will disrupt the video streaming market with its blockchain protocol, thanks to its corporate backing and strategic partnerships with Samsung VR and Twitch.

The future will be interesting. THETA, TFUEL price rose, and despite their falls in some days, they remain as stable tokens in the market for investors interested in the streaming industry.

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How to Buy Theta

Uphold is a top exchange for United States residents.

Clients from the USA can get a debit card that earns crypto and cashback. The UK and European residents are not allowed to buy THETA yet, so it is limited to this country only while using this method.

Binance is probably the best for Australia, Canada, and the UK., and residents from the USA are still in plans to allow them to purchase the token via this platform.

BitPanda is the best choice for European residents. However, they don’t accept residents from other regions.

The availability of assets on Uphold is subject to regional restrictions. All trading and investments are risky. Crypto assets are not subject to regulation and therefore are not protected. So you will need to choose carefully the final platform you get for this purchase process.

Also, take the time to learn about all of them, even when you have experience with one or two.

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How to Store Theta

Theta storage options are very flexible for users. You can choose from many ERC-20-compliant options because the coin is an ERC-20 token.

Metamask is one of the most widely used wallets to store Theta. It is both a browser add-on and cryptocurrency wallet. Because of its ease of use and interoperability, the wallet is the most widely used ERC-20 wallet option.

A hardware wallet will be your best choice if you’re looking to make a large investment in Theta or if you intend on holding the crypto for a long time.

Hardware wallets store your crypto offline in “cold stock.” This makes it difficult for online threats to gain access to your holdings. Both the Ledger Nano S and the more advanced Nano X support Theta (THETA).

Is Theta What You Need?

It is a good idea to invest in cryptocurrencies and the entire market, but you will need to deal with the volatility and market changes. Thus, look for options that aren’t as saturated or high as bitcoin and other currencies.

When you look at the market as a whole and consider how volatile it is, you should ask yourself: “Is this really where I want to put my money based on the fact that things can change in seconds?”

It can be difficult to keep up the market cap, which is why it is easy to lose money even if you invest in some such as Theta.

It’s possible to start small and watch what happens, but this doesn’t guarantee you won’t lose money.

We have made investments in currencies, and THETA is part of our crypto investment.

However, we believe that local lead gen is more cost-effective than relying upon something you don’t know whether it will boom or actually bring you down.

If you do decide to invest in this token or any other digital currencies, we offer friendly investment advice: Keep up to date with the market, and get instructions about when to buy or sell.

This is the best financial advice that we can offer.

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However, for business opportunities and alternatives, you don’t have to take too much risk with lead generation, and there is no need to bet on a crypto market cap that will be more volatile than the wind.

It is possible to generate local leads much easier and more efficiently than most people think. If you put in the effort, you can easily make thousands of dollars.

The investment is not minimal, but it’s also not a huge one.

What is the process? How do you get started? Is it possible to learn everything?

You can find all the answers right here!

The Local Lead Generation Process for Your Business

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All right! So, everything is about building properties and generating leads. But how does the process actually take place? Are there other steps I need to know?

The steps I mention below are what students from our local lead generation program follow to generate leads for businesses like yourself. So I’ll help you see what we do. And how if you join our program, you can simply generate leads for your own business (unless you want to start a side hustle and build a laptop lifestyle business).

Essentially, our lead generation can be divided into four steps:

The first is prospecting. You need to take the time to do market research on a niche (industry) and determine how many phone-driven businesses are there.

Keep in mind that this is local research as you need to know how many companies need leads. For example, you may search for “plumbing services Youngstown OH.”

You will find dozens or even hundreds of businesses trying to get themselves in front of the customers by ranking on Map Listings, organic results, and even Ad.

The second step, building. When you find a niche (plumbing, tree services, a software company, real estate…), you will need to start building your digital properties. You don’t need to be an expert in HTML or coding. It can be easy with the right tools.

The third step is now taking time to rank your lead gen website. With the site done, you need to work on SEO strategies and start dominating those Google search results. If you’re new to SEO, it stands for Search Engine Optimization.

To keep it simple, it consists of the entire process of growing a company’s visibility on search engines like Google and generating organic traffic. And remember this, local lead generation is part of the strategies.

Moving on to step four, once you rank the site, you will start getting your ROI and profits. You only need to rent it out to a local business interested in the leads the site generates. You can offer a couple of free leads to their move on with the actual pay per lead.

To review steps 1-4 above, I described it to a normal student who is building a lead gen business to help local service providers generate more calls. But replace the student with you as the business owner. And replace sending the leads to a business to simply siphoning the leads to your personal business.

By the way, fun fact, about 20% of our students in our local lead gen program are actually business owners who went through the program. And they use the skillsets we teach to generate leads for their own business.

An Example of Lead Generation: Home Advisor

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You must be thinking, “if lead generation sounds so good so far, how come I haven’t seen any company?” That’s the thing; there are many out there. You just don’t know they are dedicated to it.

HomeAdvisor is one of the best examples you can find on the Internet as it is a top lead generation company that has spent millions building its brand but also earned even more zeros for this same reason.

They started small as everyone else but invested in building their brand awareness to make people who are looking for home services go to their website and find what they need. They are over 75% of people’s first choice when they need those services.

If you don’t get HomeAdvisor that much or need a refresh, users need to submit their information to request a service and get a professional or expert who can provide it.

HomeAdvisor’s job is to share your information, which makes you a lead, with local companies so they can contact you and offer the service you’re requesting. For sharing this lead information, HomeAdvisor gets paid by the companies. This happens for every single lead they send to multiple businesses.

Business owners who don’t have marketing skills or don’t even know how to have any online presence will always rely on those pages to list their services.  They will save time and effort, but companies like HomeAdvisor can make them spend lots of money as leads aren’t exclusive (one lead is sent to multiple companies after all).

Using Facebook Ads aka Paid Ad Platforms: Do They Generate Leads?

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They DO generate leads. If not, no one would use them.

However, you need to remember two facts:

  1. Paid ads or platforms can be expensive.
  2. They don’t generate “natural” leads.

Whenever someone sees or clicks in one of those ads, over 80% of them did it by accident or are trying to close/report it.

Why? Because they aren’t looking for those services. At least not at the moment.

What those ads do instead is interrupt their time on the platforms. Users aren’t there to find companies or businesses unless they are searching for a specific company’s user, and for that, there’s a search bar. This is why it is hard to convert them to actual customers who will show interest in the companies’ services. Also, you’re limited by a budget.

When using lead generation, everything is organic. You aren’t forcing others to pay attention to your business but rather being there when they need you. This is why Google’s organic traffic will always beat paid ads, and the reason companies continue investing in it, which is a lot cheaper as well.

What Is Local SEO?

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Don’t worry… I didn’t get it at first either. Following the short explanation, local SEO focuses on scaling businesses’ visibility on search engines. However, this is only for those who serve their communities face-to-face.

What does this mean?

Experts and professionals like painters, plumbers, and dentists (but not only them) offer their services to their local customers. Why? Because they can’t deliver them unless they are located in the same area of their customers.

To make sure those businesses get more leads, you need to rank them locally by claiming the business listing on Google to place them on Map Listings. Local SEO also involves online reviews, citation management, and how you manage your entire online presence in the local area.

If you are going to bet on lead gen, you need to adapt yourself to today’s world: The Internet.

Keep in mind that although traditional channels and methods like billboards, warm calls, and pamphlets still work, they aren’t part of your tools. Whenever someone needs a service, they go to Google and search for it.

“Dentist in Miami” or “plumbing services in Orlando,” etc. And you can keep coming up with services or professionals people need and look for. Thus, you need to make sure you’re using Google to get the companies in front of their clients.

Users will always click on the first search results (those near the top), and many of them will be either Ad links (people paid to place their websites there), Map Listing, and then you get websites. Almost all of them are your goal and where you should always aim to place yourself.

Can My Business Utilize a Local Lead Generation Strategy?

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If you want customers, you better know you need it. Following the previous explanation, lead gen is all about placing businesses in front of their customers, choosing them over their competitors.

Put it simply – it’s all about closing deals and having clients for those companies to make money. The main difference with the usual methods companies use for this is how lead generation approaches different channels to get them in the right place of the market to get customers.

Those channels are all focused on the Internet as most people are searching for products but also services across the net. The issue is that the Internet is way too broad, and businesses don’t know how to place themselves. They usually try, but they get one common result: losing money and time.

How Powerful Are Organic Leads from Google?

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For companies looking for customers, it’s everything. For you? Pretty much the same. When you build a business with digital properties, you get to make thousands of dollars a month.

This isn’t a “get started today and get rich tomorrow” thing, but it is HIGHLY scalable, and ROI + positive results are guaranteed. Learning a fairly decent and very needed set of skills to create your digital properties and start ranking them on Google is required.

I have invested in several online businesses over the years, and if there’s something uncertain, whether you will get your ROI or not, even more than the actual profit.

However, this business moved my earnings from five figures a year to a month in ONLY passive income while sitting comfortably at home.

On my laptop. Anywhere. Anytime.

You can look at one of the first sites I built back in 2016, and it continues making me over $1.000+ every month. The best part is that I don’t need to touch it or the rest I’ve built over the years, just like this digital property.

What Makes Lead Generation SO Alluring?

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Here it goes: you can work from home.

The main issue with regular business opportunities is how much you need to invest in staff, equipment, or rent to have a place to sell your products or offer your services.

We all know the hassles of traditional businesses that involve regular expenses, which are extremely high.  Can you afford it? I don’t think so, and even if you can, is it worth it? Now, it isn’t only about the money. You also need to put in a lot of work, and it isn’t only during the first couple of months or years. Usually, it is as long as you continue running it.

You can save yourself those headaches and bone-breaking tasks and expenses with lead gen since it is more about generating leads with digital channels—mainly websites.

Websites can be VERY cheap to build, and with many tools online, you get to do it in a couple of hours instead of days. Any virtual or digital business is scalable and won’t need constant maintenance.

So, let’s summarize this:

  • You save money in regular expenses with traditional and most online businesses as what you need is yourself and digital properties (websites).
  • You can bet on passive income.
  •  There’s no need to hire more people to get started.
  • You can generate leads in multiple industries, which allows you to work on any niche you want.

How Can I Get Started in the Local Lead Generation Program?

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Anyone can start and learn. That’s the beauty of this business model. I knew nothing about SEO, Map Listing, and everything I’ve mentioned so far. It is all about learning the skills, gaining experience, and deciding to take the step.

Remember that this business model will never get old as business owners are always looking for leads. They need to do business and scale their companies. Why not do the same while helping others and still making money?

You can start with this local lead generation course highly recommended for anyone wanting to grow in the business. It is a close training that will take you through each step and make sure you are able to get your ROI, profits and take control of your life.

You will be added to an incredible lead generation family ready to help you 24/7 when asking questions on the group. Anyone is welcome who’s willing to put in the work. Click here to watch the lead gen webinar.

Learn more about local lead generation below.

Take a sneak peek into our proven strategies to build a passive income by building a local lead generation business from your laptop...
